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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



Many recipes call for cardamom, but they don't specify green or black. I believe the results are quite different. Any insight on which to choose would be appreciated.?

— Ken Johnston


You know, typically I've used green cardamom, but the interior part of the cardamom which really has the most bang for your buck kind of a cardamom seeds. I typically is what they're calling for within a recipe whole cardamom. You can kind of crack and use for infusions and those sorts of things. But when I kind of think about what's the most bang for my block when it comes to cardamom looking for those interior dark brown or black cardamom seeds that can be done, you know added and Blended in as part of overall spice mix A little goes a long way so you don't want to over. You know kind of over season with cardamom. It's one of those. spices that has a pretty pronounced flavor a pretty specific flavor intends to work well with others it plays well with other spices depending on if you're going towards more of a Savory application where you might add, you know cumin coriander chilies. a fenugreek other sorts of things or in the case of cardamom being more kind of a warm sweet spice with cookies or pastries or puddings and things where you might pair it with like nutmeg or mace or clove or cinnamon and some of those other sorts of things Works about, you know works well in both applications.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer