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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



Can you provide your expertise on the use and purchase of coconut milk. I would like more information about "lite" coconut milk and possibly some brands you might recommend for plant-based whole food cooking.?

— Donna Rychlo


This used to be a really popular question. So great to see it pick up here. Coconut milk is one of those ingredients that adds. Just an amazing amount of of richness because of the high fat content. In particular, you know coconut milk has that kind of mouth filling. Type of richness that really coats your palate very much like other dairy or you know animal Dairy might have because it does have that high fat content and high saturated fat content. So typically when you see, you know regular coconut milk that's gonna be a fairly high fat product Brands vary, but you know you're looking at 10 12 15 grams of fat per serving most of that being in the form of saturated fat Which you know not necessarily recommended for all diets, but something that if you are trying to add some richness certainly will do the trick. When it comes to light coconut milk products, the main difference between these is that these are basically, you know manufactured or created just to have a lower calorie count. In fact count on the label. But essentially all you're doing with those products is you're taking coconut milk and you're mixing it with additional water. sort of watering it down for lack of a better term and then in many cases these light quote unquote light products will add some kind of a gelling agent so guar gum or something similar that will be added back in just to help make up for That reduction of fat so the high fat full fat version doesn't require that because it has so much natural. richness and thickness because of the fat content if you buy the light version you're essentially Buying some water and typically some additional gum or binder in there to give it that appearance that mouth feel of having. That's similarly fatty kind of texture. Now the light version by no means is fat-free. I would say most brands. Probably are about half the fat or less somewhere a little bit more. Maybe 60% less fat. Some are maybe 40% less that but by and large or talking about probably a fat reduction of about half which might bring you down to five six seven grams of fat per serving again, most of that in that saturated fat type category. So you could use them interchangeably. If you didn't want to buy the light version you certainly could just use. You know roughly half as much of the full fat version and then supplement with some extra water or vegetable stock or whatever else sort of liquid. You might want to use in that scenario.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer