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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Ken Rubin - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Ken Rubin in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



Could you talk about controlling oil temperature when frying at home. Particularly what to do if your oil temp is increasing past your desired frying temperature.?

— Aruna Durbin


I'll say first off good to have a healthy fear of a frying and the temperatures involved in frying frying is an unsafe cooking method. But when you look at the potential risk while frying for safety mishaps to happen, it's certainly a bit higher on the list than other types of cooking techniques and most particularly because you have that that volume of hot oil you just want to be really cautious with and really careful around. So just to kind of go back to the basics whenever you're cooking anything using the frying method. You just want to make sure that you're you know, very aware of all the factors that might Lead to any sort of a safety issue. Number one. You want to make sure that you are using the right vessel the right pot or pan to fry in that it's big enough that you essentially allow for the expansion of the oil as you add hot food in it begins to bubble and begins to kind of Shimmer and Shake in that hot oil. So just knowing that is going to be really important. So don't don't overcrowd or overfill your pan with with the oil also just really wanting to make sure that you are, you know, being mindful of temperature control. So the question around, you know, monitoring or maintaining temperature is going to be really really key. If you're worried about your temperature being too hot, you know, best thing to do is obviously get your thermometer out check the temperature of the oil you want to really fry ideally for those results in that. 360 to 300 80 degree Fahrenheit type range that's going to be a range that gives you good results. It's not going to overcook too quickly. It's not going to Brown too quickly. It's also going to make sure that you get a nice exterior coating and crust on that fried food. You're not taking up too much oil. In the case of your particular question, though, if you are concerned about the temperature getting too high, the number one thing is just turn off the heat, right? So just take it as an opportunity. If you're seeing splattering smoking or just visually identifying that you've got too much heat. Just go ahead and turn it off. Let it cool down. Go ahead and put your probe thermometer in that hot oil and really get that reading that information is going to be critical to see if you're you know above that 400 degree mark and it in that instance really just give it a few moments to cool down. You want to let it go back down into that 360 373 80 Fahrenheit range. That's just gonna be better for you. But if you're at all concerned when in doubt just turn your heat off, that's the number one easiest way. To make sure that your temperature of your oil doesn't keep climbing and create that, you know anxiety around the oil temperature there. Certainly, if you have any smoking if you're at risk at all of having a fire from that oil. The number one thing is you just want to put a lid on top of that that will essentially deprive any potential of you know, having oxygen to ignite and that sort of a thing. So just a lid is also a safe thing in that instance if you're worried about flare up or anything of that order.
Ken Rubin

Ken Rubin

Chief Operating Officer