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Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

Dan Marek - Ask Me Anything (Office Hours)

This event was on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 11:00 am Pacific, 2:00 pm Eastern

Join Chef Dan Marek in his virtual office as he welcomes all of your questions. This event was created for you and we encourage you to Ask Anything – from cooking techniques to cours… Read More.



How do you balance creativity with consistency when cooking for clients or in a professional setting?

— Jimmy Luong


The consistency is a big part of it, right? So a lot of times people will come back to you because they're, they love a dish and they're like, I love this thing, I'm always going to get that thing. And if it changes, I'm disappointed. In fact, that just happened to me this weekend when my mom was in town, went to a local restaurant here where we loved a, um, a pasta dish and, uh, it wasn't quite made the same this time when we went and we'd been going for years and loved this one dish and this one dish was not the same anymore. So we're a little disappointed at it now. Um, it's okay to change a couple things to it, but if it's like a staple dish of yours, you should still have that staple dish on there. But you might do like maybe a different side dish or a different, um, you know, garnish to it or something like that is a great way to be able to add a little bit of creativity. You can also pair it with something else. So if it's a, you know, a certain dish that comes, like it can, you know, here's the regular dish, you can say it also comes with this, say this bread or this, uh, side of, you know, a bruta or something like that to be able to explore other things. You can have just a small sampling of something like that to be able to encourage them to go towards something else. So if it's a pasta dish and it comes with a bruschetta garnish, it's very small and you also order, you also have that, uh, bruschetta as an appetizer, they're more likely to be able to order that the next time they come into it. Now if you're doing for clients where it's like a, a regular, um, you know, um, like if you're like a, a personal chef, uh, what I would do is I would do all the regular meals that I would make for them, but I'd add one new thing per week to be able to give it. Because a lot of times when you're a personal chef, you do have clients that are like, I love this, I love this, I love this and this, and that's what I want for the, for the week. Those are my five dishes or seven dishes or whatever that I want to be able to have. Um, and as a chef that kind of get, kind of gets boring a little bit, right? So, um, a lot of times I would just, you know, complimentary give another offering of something else for them to be able to try and say like, here, this is this new thing, I want you to try it. Tell me what you think about it. And then maybe next time they'll order it from you, um, as an item on the menu.
Dan Marek

Dan Marek

Director of Plant-Based Culinary & Dev